
Comprehensive Multimodal Annotations With GPT-4o

OpenGVLab, Shanghai AI Laboratory SenseTime Research Nanjing University Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology The Chinese University of Hong Kong Tsinghua University

* Equal contribution.

🔥[NEW!] The ShareGPT-4o dataset preview is available!


In the realm of large multimodal models, achieving efficient modality alignment is a critical challenge, often hindered by the scarcity of high-quality image-text, video-text data and audio-text data. To address this issue, we introduce the ShareGPT-4o dataset, a groundbreaking large-scale resource that we plan to open-source with 200K meticulously annotated images, 10K videos with highly descriptive captions, and 10K audio files with detailed descriptions. This dataset sets a new standard in diversity and informational richness, encompassing extensive world knowledge, detailed object properties, spatial relationships, and aesthetic evaluations. ShareGPT-4o leverages the advanced multimodal capabilities of GPT-4o, ensuring each data point is carefully curated for maximum utility. By releasing this dataset, we aim to provide a pivotal resource that will significantly advance the progress of the LMM community, facilitating more effective modality alignment and enhancing the overall performance of multimodal models.

ShareGPT-4o Dataset

Dataset Name Domain Visible Captioned by Samples
COCO-Caption Image ✔︎ Human 118K
BLIP-LCS Image ✔︎ BLIP 558K
LLaVA-23K Image GPT4 23K
ShareGPT4V Image ✔︎ GPT4-Vision 100K
ShareGPT-4o Image, Video, Audio(coming soon) ✔︎ GPT-4o 200k+10k+10k

Comparison of widely-used caption datasets and ShareGPT-4o.

We demonstrate our process of using GPT-4o to generate highly descriptive captions for images, videos, and audio based on specific user prompts in the following section. We first filter and screen a large number of images, videos, and audio to obtain high-quality data sources from various aspects. Then, we customize prompts and utilize GPT-4o's powerful multimodal capabilities to annotate them with captions, ultimately resulting in a high-quality multimodal dataset.



Domain Source Document Caption Document Description
Image image_conversations The file contains 50k images. The image_conversations file includes a JSONL file annotated with captions by GPT-4o. Each element in the JSONL file is formatted as follows:
      "image": "image_id.jpg",
      "width": ,
      "height": ,
      "conversations": [
        {"from": "human", "value": "<image>\n+prompt"},
        {"from": "gpt", "value": "caption"}
Video video_conversations The file contains 2k videos. The video_conversations file includes a JSONL file annotated with captions by GPT-4o. Each element in the JSONL file is formatted as follows:
      "video": "video_id.mp4",
      "width": ,
      "height": ,
      "conversations": [
        {"from": "human", "value": "<video>\n+prompt"},
        {"from": "gpt", "value": "caption"}


✔️ 50k Image caption generated by GPT-4o

✔️ 2k Video caption generated by GPT-4o

[TBD] Voice caption generated by GPT-4o

[TBD] More image/video caption/QA generated by GPT-4o

Captioning Examples


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